After we release the next UPGRADE TO 2PAIRSUMS which will be this week, we will be working on a new and revised QUICK PICK feature that will produce many winners within a few numbers.

(1) It will use the HIT/MISS CHARTS to generate numbers for each state. It does that by generating PAIR numbers from the past 3 winners,
(2) It then uses those pairs to generate numbers by utilizing the FRONT,BACK,SPLIT pairs filter and grabs the numbers that have MATCHING numbers in the FRONT,BACK,SPLIT pairs.
(3) It then removes ALL duplicate numbers and displays the RESULT in the form of BOX numbers (BOX numbers can then be converted to STRAIGHT numbers).
(4) With a 2nd click of the QUICK PICK button, it removes ALL resulting numbers except for numbers that had 3 past winners with multiple identical numbers. In other words, the past 3 winners will contain duplicate digits. Those digits often show up as the 1st digit in the next BOX winner.
(5) The resulting numbers can be further reduced by utilizing the other filters. You will be able to get the numbers down to ONE BOX NUMBER to play (1 BOX number tends to convert to 6 STRAIGHT numbers).
A manual sample of the above process is explained above.