See prior post
TX - 02/13/23 - Morning Draw
(1) 5 HITS back to back. A MISS is overdue and could hit next draw.

(2) These are the PAIRS. and NUMBERS in play.

(3) FRONT PAIR: 1 Pair match. No number match.

(4) BACK PAIR: 1 pair match. No number matches.

(5) SPLIT PAIR: 1 pair match. No number matches.

THEREFORE, just because there are no number matches does not mean the predicted numbers may not win. It simply means QUICK PICK got a MISS. HOWEVER, since QUICK PICK shows a match with pair 38 that pair may contain the winner even though the predicted numbers do not show a match.
USE the above ONLY as a guide to conduct your own number search on Lottodds.