I need to be reactivated please. I changed my email in my profile to match my PayPal I thought that would fix the monthly problem
Here is the transaction ID Transaction ID 0DK304263T212201W
Did you use the following page to reactivate? Also, it maybe a delay due to cache. Try using another browser or refreshing the page multiple times.
bmehmet the email I changed it to is
Same as my PayPal I thought that would help. Should I change it back?
Because it's still saying it's not paid
Do you use the following page to reactivate? https://lottodds.com/profile/subscription
bmehmet yes
Well the not sure what the issue is at this time. I will manually activate but it may happen again. If it does, you will then have to just register a new account until I have time to look deeper.
bmehmet thanks