(1) Here is a SAMPLE of the highlighted QP Column that will be released this week. It will help you know when to play the GREEN highlighted numbers or when to REMOVE them.
(2) LEVEL 4 has been added and it too will be released this week. LEVEL 4 is a static page with no functionality. It simply holds all the 220 BOX numbers separated by the Pairsums. It will help you visualize the winner better and help you further reduce the numbers without removing the winner. In other words, LEVEL 3 adds Pairsums High/Low patterns and LEVEL 4 adds Pairsums Front/Back Sums
(3) The new upgrade to QP we are working on now will allow you to grab more wins on a single LEVEL. For example, in the snapshot below, ALL the winners were caught on LEVEL 1 even when the QP Level Column showed the winner was found on different levels. This is because we are adding Front/Back/Split pair numbers to LEVEL 1&2. THUS, even if QP Level Column states the winner was found on LEVEL 4, you could still catch the winner on LEVEL 1 if HIT/MISS Column shows the symbol FSB/FBS, Front, Back, Split, FS, BS.