(1) 1,1/1,2/1,3 are overdue

(2) Isolating 1,1/1,2/1,3 shows 10/1,1 is overdue

(3) Isolating 10/1,1 discloses LH/EE and HH/OE is overdue. Isolating each high/low separately discloses LH/EE+2/10 and HH/OE+11/18+13/18 are overdue. Applying the patterns to LEVEL 4 discloses following numbers have a high probability of hitting when the above patterns hit: 028,299,499

(4) HIT/MISS shows high probability next draw MISS with 1st digit of next winner 2 or 3. IF 10/1,1 wins next, high probability 299 would be the winner.

(5) QP confirms numbers 028,299,499 have high probability of hitting with 10/1,1

USE the above ONLY as a guide to conduct your own number search on Lottodds.

(1) Still in play. Only LEVEL 1 numbers change after a draw. LEVEL 2&3 only change after the PS pattern hits. LEVEL 4 never changes. HIT/MISS chart is applied prior to each draw. HERE, HIT/MISS chart shows a higher probability of MISS next draw and 1st digit of next winner being 2 or 3

(1) TX Midday Winner 449 .... 11/1,3 hit on 2nd draw.

(2) 449 winner was on LEVEL 3

PS10 still in play.

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