So again I have not checked to see the longest it's gone but it's at 25 draws!! so i cant imagine this hit wont come in a draw or 2
001 003 006 008 011 012 013 026 028 029 038 046 047 048 049 115 119
129 135 139 224 269 289 299 389 469 478 479 489 499 569 578 588 589
003 008 013 028 029 038 047 048 129 135 139 269 289 299 389 478 479
003 013 038 047 135 139 389 478 479
the more you reduce the more likely you take out the winner, i box as many numbers as i feel i need to , in order to be sure i get a box hit , then as i reduce down further, i pick form those numbers to go hard on for straight hits.... I don't think I'm gonna play this, just want to see if that pair sum 10 will come in a draw or 2 like i think it will