BOLD numbers are the FLASHING numbers in L1,2,3
(1) It is apparent that LEVEL 1 needs to be viewed with DOUBLES VIEW to correctly determine which PS pattern has a high probability of hitting NEXT DRAW. This includes other ISOLATED patterns. We can create a POP-UP feature that will display Level 1 patterns ON TOP of the current view as displayed in this snapshot. It gives a good idea on what PS pattern can hit next. For Example, the POP-UP will display Level 1 patterns STARTING after the DATE currently isolated (Doubles 04/29/23 = L1 04/30/23, etc).

(2) 10/1,1 L1,2,3 = 388,588,299 (3) .....L4 = 388,299,588,499 (4)....MOST OVERDUE

(3) 9/1,2 L1,2,3 = 033,339,337 (3) .....L4 = 337,339,446,448,033 (5)

(4) 8/1,3 L1,2,3 = 199,599,399 (3) .....L4 = 288,199,488,399,688,599 (6)

(5) 11/1,3 L1,2,3 = 044,338,449,133 (4) .....L4 = 338,447,449,133,044 (5)

(6) 12/3,3 L1,2,3 = 002,022 (2) .....L4 = 002,004,113,022,229 (5)

(7) 11/3,1 L1,2,3 = 477,566,667,677 (4) .....L4 = 556,558,667,566,477,677 (6)

(8) 10/3,2 L1,2,3 = 011,112,119,001,003,122,228 (7) .....L4 = 001,003,112,011,122,119,228 (7)

(9) 9/3,3 L1,2,3 = 377,557,577,244,335 (5) .....L4 = 466,557,377,559,577,668,244,335 (8)

(10) 8/3,1 L1,2,3 = 155,266,669,778 (4) .....L4 = 788,699,899,889,088 (5)

(11) 7/3,2 L1,2,3 = 233,334,344,445 (4).....L4 = 233,144,344,334,336,445 (6)

(12) 6/3,3 L1,2,3 = 188,799 (2) .....L4 = 188,099,799 (3)

USE the following ONLY as a guide to conduct your own number search of Lottodds.