IF you memorize these DOUBLE numbers to the point where one look you will know what PAIRSUM it falls under, it will help you catch more DOUBLE winners. IN OTHER WORDS, when you determine which PAIRSUM to play, you will know off the top of your head which number(s) hit the most for that PAIRSUM. It will become 2nd nature and you'll grab huge wins by playing even one(1) DOUBLE number.
YOU will notice the majority of the States tend to hit the same DOUBLE numbers repeatedly. Memorizing these numbers/patterns will give you a huge advantage to grabbing multiple DOUBLE winners with few numbers.
RED=Most Popular
12/3,3=002,004,113,022,229 (5)
11/3,1=556,558,667,566,477,677 (6)
11/1,3=338,447,449,133,044 (5)
10/3,2=001,003,112,011,122,119,228 (7)
10/2,3=006,008,115,117,224,226 (6)
10/1,1=388,299,588,499 (4)
9/3,3=466,557,377,559,577,668,244,335 (8)
9/1,2=337,339,446,448,033 (5)
9/2,1=066,155,355,266,177,669,778 (7)
8/3,1=788,699,899,889,088 (5)
8/2,2=005,007,009,114,116,118,223,225,227 (9)
8/1,3=288,199,488,399,688,599 (6)
7/3,2=233,144,344,334,336,445 (6)
7/2,3=055,255,166,077,455,366,277,779 (8)
6/3,3=188,099,799 (3)