119,139,129 006,115,026,117,135 389,029,047,049,046,137 377,335 337,159,339,357,359,149,347,349,367 066,157,155,355,177,056,147,167,156,067,356
cashmeoutasap The dub came: 909. Good call. I would've played all dub but nice head up.
hyper_one only played purple 8910 smh
cashmeoutasap I see. Don’t be too down. Alway(s) the next draw to come up. P$ 6 had 099 PURPLE. All good. We get’em next go. 💥💰💥
hyper_one For sure .. I treat it like the weather. I know it's going to rain some days, but not every day. Never give up!