bmehmet Hey David not sure if you know about OHIO 8:2,2 out since 04/30/2023
Nice catch!
027,036,278,015,016,018,025,035,116,118,125,126,136,169,189,369,045,114,134,179,279 (21)
PURPLE NUMBERS 027,036,278,045,116,136,015,035,126,016,018,179,279,169,189,369
DOUBLES 116,118,114
bmehmet I like 111,666,116,166 or trips
OHIO 011 10 /2.3
8 /2.2 is due for Ohio
NC 115
UPDATED ONLY L1,2,3 - 05-12-23 @ 11:15AM EST
bmehmet mr David Arizona L4 not working plz ty.
bmehmet Is L 4 not working for all states?
It's working. Just some states its not. I'll fix it after I return.
L4 for OH and AZ is working
@bmehmet I know and none of my purple are flashing with I do any state?
The flashing/purple is working. You need to turn off the flashing to view the purple.
NUMBERS UPDATED - 05-12-23 @ 9:20PM EST
NUMBERS UPDATED - 05-12-23 @ 11:38PM EST
bmehmet key digits are 2,8,9,6. pairs 88,77,55,99,22,47
299 can hit 99x pair main
bmehmet Thank you David for looking @ Ohio I appreciate that and, I wanted to ask you something that might be helpful in choosing the best numbers. There's this program called "Infamous 3 out of 4 Wheel" and this program does when you put the last draw input it spits out (8) eight sets of pick3 numbers and in those 8 it's close to 98%- 100% of the time that there's a matching Pair of the winning Draw & a few time the whole number will come out. I like to give you example of it for three States PA, OH, CT, let me know if you think we could use this to produce the real winner. One more this doesn't give you "Doubles Only 3 different Digits" so if double number it will have 2 numbers still, anyone got a suggestion post here thanks LOF!
PA= 058, 165, 210, 259, 286, 891, 347, 609 OH= 371, 487, 543, 572, 518, 124, 069, 832 CT= 169, 076, 301, 362, 397, 920, 458, 712
Can you do it with Double numbers only. That would be helpful
bmehmet Yes it work with Double numbers as well as single and triple numbers. As you see Ohio today was "078" so 487 had the piar 💥
deeluv69 nice look on those numbers. I just pulled the pairs and matched with qp and boom 288
deeluv69 how long are they good for? Or do you need to do it each draw?
288 str PA