007,009,114,116,225 $$
Im on this. All PURPLE numbers from L4 (both L1,2 view). I can play 10 draws and still profit on the 10th draw. Even if the State doesnt hit a Purple number and can use the balance of the 10 draws to jump on another State cor doubles. 099 277 366 455 166 255 445 399 488 009 118 116 007 088 177 155 339 448 446 499 299 226 008 006 288 388 449 447 229
bmehmet No 3.1/3.2 or 3.3 since 05/09/3032.... I think this is coming? what do you think?
FL= 001,003,221,441,223,443,665,885,667,669
100% it should hit any draw now even next.
Florida on the single combinations I went with one, three and two, three for the doubles for Florida I went with one, one and one, two let's see how it comes out
The way that I've been able to win is I go back 10 drawings and compare all the eight sums I usually get pretty close every time that's a little trick that David showed us in his videos
well i did it again i had 7/2,3 for single combo numbers used level 4 played 6 numbers and did not play 057 or 059!!
winner was 059 eventually i will play all the numbers in level 4 and win frustrating picking right 8 pair sum and not
cashing in well another learning moment!:
297, 309, 632, 694, 670, 743, 581, 024 here are numbers from wheel 2 out of 3 off of 059 win
899 677 Details a S C 0505936 889 667
freddieodesho that’s my numbers