Hey David
I had to remove the old payment due to my debit card was hacked.
Lawrence Ponds

For: LottOdds Monthly Membership $9.95
Automatic payment ID: I-1LT5Y3K2Y444

Thank you


The last payment was received on April 6th ending on May 6th.

Transaction Activity Details Gross amount Fee amount Net amount
Apr 6, 2023

Payment details

Gross Amount$9.95 USD
PayPal Fee-$0.59 USD
Net Amount$9.36 USD
Recurring Payment IDI-1LT5Y3K2Y444

    I’m sorry David, I mean that my debit card was hacked. I’m cool with the recurring payment April 6. I want to make sure to keep account active. Thank you.


    There was no charge for May. Lets see what happens because it's saying today is your last subscription day. It should auto-renew.

      Thank you David. I’m sorry, how are you been doing? I have been mia for a while. I’m back active.


      Clear cache or use another browser. Also give the system time to catch up.

        Good morning David, I clear the cache but the system deactivated it my account. Thank you.


        Ok try again today. If it's just time needed to clear the issue, I would rather give it that time because manually activating it could mess it up monthly.

        If not, we'll manually activate it.

          No problem, I can wait, I'll check with you in a couple of days. Thank you again.

            6 days later


            It shows last payment received was on April 6th. Use the subscription page to restart the subscription.

            Transaction Activity Details Gross amount Fee amount Net amount
            Apr 6, 2023
            Payment to PayPal Working Capital Details -$2.80 USD $0.00 USD -$2.80 USD
            Payment details

            Gross Amount$9.95 USD
            PayPal Fee-$0.59 USD
            Net Amount$9.36 USD
            Recurring Payment IDI-1LT5Y3K2Y444

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