It's getting better and better. We have UPGRADED QP. The feature will be released shortly. We are testing it.
The new upgrade will let you do what I do in the Hot Play Alerts but faster. In other word, you will be able to do the following:
(1) Click4 QP and be able to see ALL 15 PAIRSUMS on one page,
(2) View CURRENT L1,2,3,4 numbers,
(3) Apply L1,2 PAIRS to the numbers which will make the numbers FLASH/PURPLE.
(4) You can use the NUMBER FILTERS to reduce the numbers.
You will be able to know BEFORE any drawing which numbers have the higher probability of winning because they will be FLASHING/PURPLE.
We will now start coding the QP EMAIL ALERT. This feature will be located on the DRAW ALERT page and it will be CUSTOMIZABLE. It will contain default conditions that will search ALL or specific States you select for HIGH PROBABILITY plays that meet those conditions and then email you those numbers. Thus, all you will need to do is sit back and wait for the program to email you numbers. For this feature, we will be charging an UPGRADE FEE in addition to the monthly subscription fee due to the fact that it will cost us more to facilitate this feature, website hosting, coding and maintenance costs. HOWEVER, you do NOT need to pay for the upgrade and you can simply do it yourself by using the features on Lottodds. The email alert is simply an AUTOMATED process that does the work for you on default conditions or conditions you specify.