GA has a good setup with the past 4 winning numbers. They contain ALL the digits from 0-9, which will most likely predict a winner.
We are working on issues on the site. Thus, always check the past winning numbers. The Pick4 prediction dropdown menu is only showing 2 drawings for GA when there is 3. We are working on that. ENTER THE NUMBERS MANUALLY.
03/10 MID 1341 OOEO
03/10 EVE 4880 EEEO
03/10 NITE 9910 OOOE
03/11 MID 3643 OEEO
03/11 EVE 5234 OEOE
03/11 NITE 3721 OOEO
03/12 MID 7809 OEEO
NOTICE how the winners contained 2 and 3 ODDS. And only one contained 1 ODD. You can turn-on multiple odd/even patterns and reduce the numbers from there after more research. For example, the following patterns: