Good evening David when will the Powerball and Mega Million get out of the beta stage. I would like to use the fullness of the Low High, Odd Even filters
Powerball and Mega Million
chrisjo14 If you follow the stats i did awhile back you can update them by simply starting at the date i finished and tally them up. I would play group 77 on both big games. They are overdue for a hit.
4 months later
Good morning richard any thoughts about powerball today and certain group in 77 you would play
golf59 i used to go down the big game rabbit hole and realized its waste of time. Especially if you are constantly changing up your numbers. I Whittled my numbers down using LO and i have kept the same number for months now. I made a post awhile back about it. Do a search on my name and it should be there.
If you dont hit, dont reshuffle, The fact that your numbers havent come out yet means you have a better shot later.