(1) FRONT PAIR is extremely overdue. IF it hits next draw, one of the following 10 numbers will be the winner. IF FRONT pair does NOT hit next draw, the numbers must be revised because they were created on L1 which numbers change every draw. 001,003,004,005,023,024,025,223,224,225 (10)

(2) Removing LLL/HHH leaves 3 numbers: 005,025,225 (3)

My number posts are ONLY to be used as a guide to conduct your own number search on Lottodds. No one is to play the numbers and do so at their own risk. I take no responsibility for anyone's monetary loss if they play my posted numbers. These are HIGH PROBABILITY plays and may or may have NOT been reduced and can take more than one(1) draw to hit and NOT GUARANTEED WINS on the 1st draw but created to help you learn pattern setups, feature use and strategy creation.


This play was only for last nights draw as the numbers change every draw when you grab doubles from Level 1 (L1)

As for this mornings TX winner 399, it was FSB PAIR. That pair had only 6 numbers grabbed when isolating DOUBLES which means you never have to change the numbers until a double hits. In other words, you play the same numbers over and over again until a double hits then you revise the numbers. Keep in mind, you ALSO need to stay on the DOUBLES LEVEL when using the other patterns to REDUCE the numbers or you will have to REVISE the numbers after the draw. If you use the patterns on the DOUBLES LEVEL to REDUCE the numbers then nothing changes and you play the same numbers until a double hits.

THIS IS HOW you can catch some crazy huge wins. You only have to decide which PAIR is overdue and let Lottodds give you the numbers to play like in the snapshot below for FSP PAIR which gave you only 6 numbers to play and since 399 appeared both on the doubles and L1 pages as a WIN, the winner 399 was colored PURPLE

Grabbing DOUBLES from the DOUBLES LEVEL will give you less numbers than grabbing them from L1

    Okay understood sometimes I think I have it sometimes I probably don't have it but I'll keep working at it any update on when the miss option will be available for playing missed numbers and also you said something about a feature that you are putting together that we click a button and it reduces numbers for us can you elaborate on what that's all about or do you want to wait until you get all your upgrades done


    That feature will be released next week. I will make a video when they are released.

    005 WINS!

    This was a good one. The winner hit late and with old pairs but hit with ONLY 3 NUMBERS!....FRONT PAIR hit...... Look for BACK PAIR to hit any draw now.

    $30 would have won $3,000. $60 wins $6,000 and $300 wins $30,000.

    (2) Removing LLL/HHH leaves 3 numbers: 005,025,225 (3)

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