(1) We are going toTEST the new AUTO-REDUCTION feature. Double is overdue.

(2) 45 Doubles without auto-reduction.

(3) HIT/WIN...Auto-Reduction gives you 4 options that mimic the HIT/MISS CHART. ...HIT/WIN-HIT/MISS-MISS/WIN-MISS/MISS

(4) HIT/MISS...Auto-Reduction

(5) MISS/WIN...Auto-Reduction

(6) MISS/MISS...Auto-Reduction

(7) It is IMPORTANT that you understand that the AUTO-REDUCTION feature uses L1 PAIRS to reduce numbers even when you isolate patterns. THUS, it makes sense that when you isolate patterns, the HIT/WIN symbol must MATCH the L1 HIT/MISS symbol for the winning number to be present.