(1) Double is overdue.

(2) Digit 1 RED overdue.

(3) Reduced 8PS patterns

(4) Further reduced 8PS patterns


My number posts are ONLY to be used as a guide to conduct your own number search on Lottodds. No one is to play the numbers and do so at their own risk. I take no responsibility for anyone's monetary loss if they play my posted numbers. These are HIGH PROBABILITY plays and may or may have NOT been reduced and can take more than one(1) draw to hit and NOT GUARANTEED WINS but created to help you learn pattern setups, feature use and strategy creation.

Now me personally i would stick with 9/ 1.2 and 2.1. They always come around it appears

Hyper, you've got the hot hand right now. How would you play this ?

    richard gebhard I don’t like it because CC was overdue & it hit other night 397. I played 77 88 99 heavy. If CC pair was still due - I’d play.

    NC EVE look good for dub

      I stopped chasing all these doubles even though I won several times (posted most of them here )Problem is that I've done really bad lately with doubles (as always hitting a wall and unable to win consistently ) PLEASE David : show us how exactly you play : meaning show us how to play using ALL 90 DOUBLES BOXED COMBINATIONS like you do it every time and always come ahead of the game.I am aware a big or huge budget is need but is the only way to come ahead consistently with these doubles.Thanks


      Im not doing that anymore because the new AUTO-REDUCTION has reduced the numbers drastically. We'll be releasing the new upgrade this week and I'll make tutorial videos.

      As for your losses, this is part of the game just like in the stock market. HOWEVER, with this new upgrade, you'll be able to absorb multiple losses and still profit by playing very few numbers.

      just wanted to say...it would be cool to see boxed pairs filter in the pull downs in the above(when you click combined winners) have it next to sums or whatever, ..and a digit one! you would be able to do the homework and say ok the last time 01,45,57 hit it came with these patterns. same with digits...not just LWD.. and even if you could have a pull down for pre AB or AC, BC. I could make a YT short if you want in te morning to show you a few things that I'm thinking.


        (1) Here is a visual look at what I mean. I grabbed these numbers from the AUTO-REDUCTION feature we are currently coding.

        (2) The way the AUTO-REDUCTION catches the winners is when Level 1 (L1) color matches the isolated double color under the HIT/MISS chart. We are working on repairing a bug that removes PAIRS that should not be removed. Once repaired, we'll release the feature.

        bmehmet ok sounds great. .Hope it gets much better with the new auto reduction feature so I won't be avoiding those doubles anymore.Thanks & keep the good work

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