Show off!!!!! LMAO!!!!

    joez I

    pick3p8n I love watching ur post because I learn from u and David....
    So far u r doing great and love to have ur knowledge....practice is what makes an expert an so far ur the best....

    Congrats D!

    Maybe the next contest could have 1st 2nd 3rd. Not have to grand of prizes for the 2nd 3rd....just a thought

    You are an inspiration Delonta P. πŸ™‚

      pick3p8n You the man but watch out for me I working on hit the pick4 like you do the pick3 πŸ˜„ Congrads DP let's get this holiday $$

      pick3p8n Wow that's great work now let's take this to the next level join me in doing the Pick 4 the same way and make them big bucks consistently. <LOM>pick4<LOM>

      joez Good idea.....The next contest will have 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes......Go ahead and suggest prizes for the next contest.

      bmehmet I gonna win me one of these contest one day soon lmbo πŸ˜† Congrats once again DP man i love seeing your post it wake me up from the distraction I go through in daily smh but we got the Victory already just gotta have faith to carry us some the joruney. 1luv

        7 days later

        U will be the next winner....keep up the good work

          7 days later

          bmehmet Hey David good morning can you put down for lotto clubs. tell me the accont for Paypal thank you