deeluv69 How do your get your WINNERS? Surely not LOTTODDS and I'm PRETTY FN SURE 100% of the people on here ain't winning using just LOTTODDS either so what's your FN point and what the hell are you trying to prove???? came for me before and I crushed your FAKE A$$...YOU NOT ON MY LEVEL GIRL🙂

pick3p8n The problem is that the contest was for people who used Lottodds to win. And now you are telling me that you didn't use Lottodds to win. Using another website in COMBINATION with Lottodds is no problem. But ONLY using another website to win is a major problem. This means you did NOT meet the contest rules.

"The first person to get the most lottery wins between September 17 - October 17, 2017 using Lottodds and posting their wins on Youtube with a link in the winners section of the Lottodds forum wins a new Samsung - 65" Class (64.5" Diag.) - LED - 2160p - Smart - 4K Ultra HD TV valued at over $1,000!"

bmehmet Can't really remember how I won bos, .but I been SHOWED you and TOLD you what I did David...I use LOTTODDS combined with a bunch of other tools...I'm not playing this sh*t for fun, I PLAY TO WIN AND PROFIT...see you own a website and can play with your money, but we can't...we gotta really focus and do whatever we have to to get a win and profit..I love your site David and PRETTY SURE I GOT YOU A TON OF CUSTOMERS...I don't see what the problem really is and why we're even talking about this...we have one goal, and that's to win the LOTTO...Why drive a Honda and you can drive a FN Bentley?

Thoughts then?

joez The only thing different from the other platform to LO is LO combine numbers feature. And, frankly I have not watched, heard or read ANYTHING using that strategy in 6+ months! From David or anyone else! Mute point.

So on that note they are both user entry reduction tools, and they key to winning resides in the user.

    bmehmet I never said I didn't use LOTTODDS...that all came from this new guy DEELUV69 lol...thanks for believing him lol and stirring this nonsense up all because he can't beat me and never will🙂

    joez LOL I forgot...MB...why would you drive a HONDA when you can drive a FN LAMBO or BMW???

      Lets me drive my working mans car... Acura 🤓🤓🤓

        Good on you D. Enjoy your winnings. You certainly have mastered this.

          pick3p8n And I was NOT giving away a $1,000+ TV for you to use another website to win...Your video does not show how you used lottodds in combination with the other website to win.... The CONTEST was NOT about that. It was very clear. You use LOTTODDS to win. Its ok to use another website in combination.... Show me how you used the other website in combination with Lottodds to win

          Just curious David, considering the amount of ways to use Lottodds, do you have any plans to open it up even further with similar techniques that other sites use ? This way they wouldnt need to use other sites.

          I get the point deelove is talking about..There is no proof he used lottodds for every win..I'm not on anyone's side just stating the obvious..I remember when David was in the launching phase of lottodds he gave in depth videos of how he chose his winning numbers using lottodds with the draw alerts and chart predictions.guess that's what I call winning using lottodds..And yes delonte has a heck of alot of wins..And congrats to him lotto smasher lol.But I do see deeluvs point because alot of delonte videos just show a bunch of wins..And no methodolgy..