07-23-23 EVE DRAW

(1) To make this simple.....GREEN color is overdue.

(2) IF GREEN hits next draw, one of the GREEN numbers below will be the winner.

(3) How to Use the Auto-Reduction feature.

My number posts are ONLY to be used as a guide to conduct your own number search on Lottodds. No one is to play the numbers and do so at their own risk. I take no responsibility for anyone's monetary loss if they play my posted numbers. These are HIGH PROBABILITY plays and may or may have NOT been reduced and can take more than one(1) draw to hit and NOT GUARANTEED WINS but created to help you learn pattern setups, feature use and strategy creation.

This is how the PICK3 PLAY CARD looks for L1 Default level. Since it includes both HIT and MISS and the PAIRS are NOT reduced like the PICK3 PLAY CARD that deals with ISOLATED PATTERNS and posted above, you have all 220 BOX numbers represented every time on this play card.


HOWEVER, the 220 box numbers will NOT always be in the SAME positions. They will jump from the PURPLE side to the GREEN side DEPENDING on what numbers the HIT pattern removes. Yes, although L1 Default is NOT affected by the PAIRS reduction, it is affected by the HIT reduction as noted in past Youtube videos.

This setup will allow you to PREDICT which pattern has a high probability of hitting next draw. FOR EXAMPLE, IF you though a SINGLE number would win next and the HIT/MISS pattern would be H/W then you would go with H/W/F because it has the most SINGLE numbers. And more numbers creates a high probability that pattern will hit next.

Hello @bmehmet

What is the difference between picking Hit/miss as supposed to Hit or Miss under number drop down? I wanted to play around to see how to work the new feature. In NY on 7/21/2023 for instance, I clicked three prior numbers. I see that 109 was M/M/F. I click that but don't see 109 but when I click Hit/Miss-Miss-Front I see the 109. Can you do more tutorials?


Those numbers include the isolation of ALL 15 PS.

When you ISOLATE all PS numbers with the AUTO-REDUCTION, The PURPLE side has more numbers that fluctuate. GREEN has less numbers.

IF you ISOLATE a singlePS pattern with AUTO-REDUCTION, you will have as little as 1-3 numbers to play. AND that is the Lotto Pool idea we should implement.

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