My question is if you isolate low count digit for SC L2 been out for over 10 draws. The last time it
was with Now? PS 9/1.2 hit SC mid but it hit as H10, and L2 still didn't hit. Now which PS do i go
with L2 now? That 9/1.2 hit? are do you play 9/1.2 again? I hit 137 box yesterday i use 10/1.1 that was my fist hit with this new setup here. SC the only state i play i don't do online. Man i got to give you credit for all the hard work you put in lottodd's to make it easy to win. If i had played the 9/1.2 i would hit 259 straight . Can you look at SC if you get
the time its no rush i know you busy thanks for your time and hard work.