bmehmet I’m talking about the profits sorry not strategy the profit you talking about it’s based on one number like tow draws a day equals 60 a month cause we’re not playing one number only we’re playing 120 numbers each draw so 120x tow adayx30 a month= whatever number comes out that’s what we playing is that right.
120 x 2 x 30 = 7200 numbers


120 numbers would be great if we can get it down to that amount without removing the winner for EVERY draw.

120 x $0.25 = $30cost

$30cost - $37.50win = $7.50profit x 48draws = $360profit

Assuming on average min of 12doubles x $75 = $900profit
TOTAL profit: $360 + $900 = $1,260

manifest333 I understand it also but Lowering provides larger cushion so it don’t bother me.. The lower the numbers the more smash 💥 to ride a lost.. Key n pairs put you on top of a number etc especially when a particular number is due , sums etc.. I can play blind but why it can cost you ..

There is a pair wheel with 24 single pairs that hits 100% of the time whem singles hit and hits pretty well when doubles hit. Wonder what the reduction would be on David's test plays?! Located on SUG.

    Keys 0 3 5 6 9 in general hit almost every draw.


    Is it GUARANTEED to hit EVERY draw? That is what is needed. If there is a tool that can take the numbers lower than 150 breakeven WITHOUT removing the winner then we will be in profit every draw. I could incorporate that with the Auto-Prediction as an OPTION to reduce the numbers

    Can you post the website link


      Those digits create 110 numbers

      Click on the image and enlarge it to see the numbers

      • joez replied to this.

        bmehmet what about the duplicate feature and entering your own digits feature? Is that something to be released or are you just releasing everything together?

        not subd to SUG at the moment. Anyone with a sug membership can lookup >the infamous wheel> and post.
        If a single hits it is 100% with 24 boxed pairs. Playing the top 18 pairs of that wheel hits often too, prob 75%+

        If a DB hits its a toss up?! The pairs hit sometimes...

        joez ITS an interesting wheel, and I know from the past, you talked about how the top 12-18 it would typically be in there...which is true. but if one uses all 24 boxed pairs, regardless of the will spit out all 120 singles. so not really a reduction tool at all, unless one uses it like you have before...taking the top 12-18 boxed pairs...but in the end, its not guaranteed. 😀 guaranteed to cover ALL the singles lol


          Yeah, that would NOT be good to incorporate with Auto-Predict. We need 100% hits and playing large amounts of numbers does the trick and ensures profit all the time. Even if we had to use a filter like FRONT & BACK PAIRS to remove MORE numbers, the wins can absorb the few losses from 60(Month)-72(Day) draws leaving us with a profit.

          NEVERTHELESS, I have shown how playing ALL 220 box numbers on a 60-72 Draw basis can make profit as long as we hit the breakeven of 14 Doubles (Triples help). SO, all is needed is to lower the breakeven from 14 Doubles under 10 doubles and we always make profit playing for the Day or Month. AUTO-PREDICT has brought down the breakeven to 3-5 Doubles. Every State makes more than 3-5 doubles in 60-72 draws. And if you put ALL the 36 State listed on Lottodds together, they too break the breakeven of 3-5 doubles easy every day. Which opens the door for Daily UNLIMITED profit taking.

          Question about the online casino and auto-predict: Im not even talking about multiple people, but will they seriously let even just one person, continually pull consistent profits from them? Even a small amount? I used to bet on sports and even if i won a few hundred, my account immediately had betting restrictions put on it. I could only bet $5.00 instead of hundreds. Same with others, they either shut you down, dont pay you or put restrictions on your account, making it impossible to profit. They track the P&L of each and every account on a weekly and even daily basis. Anything out of the statistical norm is immediately flagged. How can this work? It seems like, the only option is to make it work for local lottery retailers, where its impossible to track you or your wins.

          If you can predict when I single would fall and skip that draw, and did it like 1-5 times would that help or hurt your bankroll?

          Nc now has online sports betting! Woo! all them sites need to incorporate pick3!