(1) L1 Default should hit GREEN any draw now.

(2) High probability IF L1 Default GREEN hits NEXT DRAW, it will be GREEN+PURPLE pattern.

(3) The other L1 Default GREEN pattern is GREEN+GREEN

Still in Play....As long as 9/2,1, which just won, does NOT hit again with L1 Default GREEN then the numbers do NOT need to be changed....In fact, if you are NOT going to update the numbers, you can REMOVE all 9/2,1 numbers now because they may NOT win anyway if not updated.


If you were ONLY using M3C numbers you don't need to change the numbers. BUT because it's mixing L1 Default+M3C, you need to grab NEW numbers after each draw because L1 Default numbers change after each draw and they have different number matches.

    Left GREEN overdue to hit

      Best method to employ. Choose 1 State. And choose 1 or 2 PAIRSUMS to follow each week. It will give you a good idea when they will hit next. Use the AUTO-PREDICT feature to DETERMINE if RIGHT GREEN or RIGHT PURPLE will hit. Then grab the numbers for those PAIRSUMS.

      FOR EXAMPLE, PAIRSUMS 9/1,2 and 8/2,2 for TX hit multiple times per week. Giving you multiple opportunities to hit it big. The great news is that 9/1,2 and 8/2,2 will NOT show up in every pattern. THUS, you will know which PAIRSUM to play for that pattern. In other words, 8/2,2 only appeared with GREEN+GREEN pattern. 9/1,2 only appeared with GREEN+PURPLE pattern. But they both appeared with PURPLE+PURPLE pattern.

      You could be looking at only 2 numbers with GREEN(MISS/MISS)+GREEN(MISS/MISS)+8/2,2+LLH. Allows you to play them for multiple draws and still profit big.

      Look for 8/2,2 to hit for TX. I wouldnt be surprised if it hit with LHH since it is due. And 1st digit 0,1,2,3.

      David.. can you put the colors u posted purple purple, green purple, purple green green green i a mode where we can copy and paste.

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