
That was easy by using the DRAW COUNT to determine when a PAIRSUM will hit and the PAIR PREDICT shows you what numbers can win.
You can use the DRAW COUNT in 2 ways to determine which PAIRSUM can hit next or within 4 draws.
(1) By looking at the GREEN and BROWN boarders on opposite sides of the PRIOR PAIRSUMS. FOR EXAMPLE, If another GREEN hits next draw, the only possible PAIRSUM winners are 8/2,2 --9/1,2 - 10/3,2. IF BROWN hits next draw, the only possible PAIRSUM winners are 9/2,1 - 11/1,3 - 9/1,2 - 10/3,2

(2) Isolating a PAIRSUM and looking to see if a GREEN or BROWN color is overdue (Green=4 draws, Brown=5 draws)

I will make a video today because DRAW COUNT column is valuable to PAIR PREDICT