We have completed the coding for PAIR DRAW COUNT. We are now tweaking it and connecting it to KEY PREDICT and PAIR PREDICT to reduce the numbers greatly in those charts.
Without PAIR DRAW PREDICT, it would take you hrs to days to do what it does in a second. And it would be impossible to manually do ALL States because it would take days. BUT before you could finish, all the numbers and many patterns would have changed after each draw. THUS, it is IMPOSSIBLE to MANUALLY do what this filter does.
Furthermore, we will be creating the ability to filter ALL States with PAIR DRAW COUNT filter. In other words, IF you click BROWN+BROWN color code, it will show you all the States that have numbers under that color code and which can hit next. THUS, you can play them all or you can play a single number to get that one number win.
MOBILE App....We will then add PAIR DRAW COUNT to the Mobile App. and finish coding it next week. When completed, we will add the App. to Google Play and Apple Store where you can download it.
The MOBILE App. will be so powerful, with a few clicks, it can get you down to 1-2 numbers without removing the winner. Get the SIMPLE pattern correct and you win with as little as 1-2 numbers