lotogoblin still no access. if you get a second. thanks
here are the 2 transaction numbers: 6BX01710CU758382W and 92V750439W361605Y when you remove one of them, could it be set up on the subscription page to just be auto like the prediction sub says? thanks
I also got charged twice and unable to use the auto predict feature this morning. Here are the two transactions 9WA6315048009462K and 1UE167368T593453G.
Will review
Ok, let me know if you guys want a refund or credit you for next month June-July 2024?
bmehmet credit for me would be fine.
bmehmet Refund the mistaken charge and I'll go ahead and delete the extra subscription. Thank you.
bmehmet credit is fine. thanks
bmehmet I cancelled the second subscription but I still can't access AutoPredict or haven't received a refund for the extra month paid. Thank you.
You are good July 16th. Dont forget to cancel one of the 2 duplicate subscriptions you have in your Paypal account.
Status: Active 07/16/2024 Type: Manual
bmehmet I was not able to cancel one of the payments as it was already completed. Also, I'm still not able to get into auto predict.
Cancel the 2nd Paypal subscription. The only way you could have been charged twice by Paypal is if you have 2 active monthly subscriptions in your Paypal account.
Try now
lotogoblin I think I may have 2 subscriptions as well. should i go to payl and just delete the 2nd one on the list?
Yes delete one of the subscriptions
bmehmet thanks! have a good day.
You are all set. Status: Active 06/17/2024 Type: Manual
No problem. Let me know if you want a credit until July 16 or refund
bmehmet I had auto-predict (subscribed) since you first released it. Just logged in and it's no longer giving me access. Asking me to subscribe again for the $24.95 fee. I don't want to be double billed if I re-subscribe. Please advise. Thanks!
bmehmet Refund please and thank you.
Status: Active 06/16/2024 Type: Manual
I see the problem. If your subscription was MANUALLY activated previously, it OVERRIDES the AUTOMATED ACTIVATION feature. Thus, I need to modify that to have Paypal OVERIDE any manual activation.