Currently, the PairDrawCount column is displaying L1 Default Pairs. This is correct. HOWEVER, we are utilizing ISOLATED PAIRSUMS for the PairDrawCount filter. THUS, there is a mis-match in the PairDrawColumn. It is showing L1 Pairs but NOT ISOLATED pairsum color combinations.
PairDrawCount filter does produce the CORRECT PAIR and COLOR combinations. Thus, only the chart is affected. THEREFORE, we are going to modify the chart and add ISOLATED pairsum color codes to the L1 pairs so it matches the PairDrawCount filter. In other words, whatever Pair+ColorCombination you get from the PairDrawCount filter will match the PairDrawCount column on the chart.
Just keep in mind that the COUNT on the PairDrawCount color code column refers to ISOLATED pairsums NOT to L1 Default. For example, if you see L2 on an 8/22 parsum, it means when you ISOLATE 8/2,2 that PAIR was 2 draws back.
The benefit of utilizing ISOLATED PairSums is (1) less numbers, (2) more green and brown hits, and (3) you only get Green+Green/Brown+Brown wins no more mixed matches. You will find many of the winners with GREEN+GREEN draw count.