LOM#100 build up bank for the holidays these workouts have been known to produce straight hits
FYI once a draw hits 3 times within that state , stay away from that state n concentrate on others
GLGB ....
0421 1532 2643 3754 4865 5976 6087 7198 8209 9310 0425 1536 2647 3758 4869 5970 6081 7192 8203 9314 0427 1538 2649 3750 4861 5972 6083 7194 8205 9316 0920 1031 2142 3253 4364 5475 6586 7697 8708 9819 0420 1531 2642 3753 4864 5975 6086 7197 8208 9319 0970 1081 2192 3203 4314 5425 6536 7647 8758 9869 0470 1581 2692 3703 4814 5925 6036 7147 8258 9369 0475 1586 2697 3708 4819 5920 6031 7142 8253 9364 0924 1035 2146 3257 4368 5479 6580 7691 8702 9813 0969 1070 2181 3292 4303 5414 6525 7636 8747 9858