The only thing I did not get right on this draw was the HIT/MISS pattern. But I felt that an 8 or 9 PS would show. I did NOT play the MISS+HIT.
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Honestly . I rarely mess with the hit miss. Only when its clear that its goin to switch up. 3x misses in a row type of switch, then ill play it.
bmehmet 10 1,1 doesn't have 479
HOWEVER, based on this CORRECT QP column we will be releasing Monday morning, QP digit 1 is overdue to hit (Numbers change after each draw)
bmehmet thank you so much for this!!!
Please explain in detail.
bmehmet I was backtesting and could not find the number maybe I overlooked it but couldn't find it
The number was there after the MIDDAY draw. Remember, Auto-Predict changes the numbers after every draw. It may also remove numbers.
Under the pairs column where it goes from green to red. Are the black highlighted box's the selected ones or the deselected box's?
It has not been released yet
bmehmet oh OK thank you for your reply