I would like to see them try. It won't be an easy task. We are using enormous DATA SETS. Again, I wont go into the type of data or the amount yet but If successful, everyone will be able to know eactly what we did in the Published Patent filing.
It is too early to know how successful it will be because it has never been done before. Lottodds has only done it on smaller scales not on such a huge scale as this. But it looks promising.
The Physicist has started to work on the QUANTUM ALGORITHM. He will also be creating it into code form to run. We also have access to a cloud Quantum Computer. We will then have our answer.
What we are doing with Quantum Computing is absolutely amazing and exciting. There was NO way we can do that with classical computing we are using now on Lottodds because the webpage would freeze up trying to complete each task one by one. But with Quantum Computing, all tasks are processed at the same time. So I have my fingers crossed and wishing for the best results.