Hot Play Alert! - TX 8/2,2 and 9/1,2 - 07-17-24
David one question i had for AI when it comes online- Will it be able to give us stats ? Say, i want to know the history of the probability boxes. I dont know if its possible given the constant changing of numbers.
Say Q- when was the last time the Low probability box won, or will it be able to keep a record of wins/losses for each box ? Will it be given only the 2 year history of Lottodds ? Stuff like that.
@richard gebhard#85832
We'll have to cross that path when we start working on AI.
- Edited
What are the binary numbers for each code.
And pairsum.
I know they change every draw.
PS9 is located in all 4 Binary Codes and do NOT contain all the PS9 numbers. And the numbers can change. Simply use the PREDICTION filters to see all numbers connected to PS9