David one question i had for AI when it comes online- Will it be able to give us stats ? Say, i want to know the history of the probability boxes. I dont know if its possible given the constant changing of numbers.

Say Q- when was the last time the Low probability box won, or will it be able to keep a record of wins/losses for each box ? Will it be given only the 2 year history of Lottodds ? Stuff like that.

@richard gebhard#85832

We'll have to cross that path when we start working on AI.

If the trend continues, 9/1,2 should hit any draw now including next draw.


Oh yeah! .....Get the PAIRSUM+BINARY correct and you'll play very few numbers to win big. When the PAIRSUM hits, it will ALWAYS have the winning number. The KEY is REDUCING the numbers correctly for the win. BUT it's there folks.

What are the binary numbers for each code.
And pairsum.
I know they change every draw.


    PS9 is located in all 4 Binary Codes and do NOT contain all the PS9 numbers. And the numbers can change. Simply use the PREDICTION filters to see all numbers connected to PS9

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