After we upload the app to the Apple store, we will add an Android version which should take 1-2 months to complete. After that, we are adding the LOTTO POOLS which would take about 1-2 weeks. Then we are adding AI. It will take about 3.5 months to implement AI because of the intense learning process AI needs. BUT once taught, AI will then teach thousands.
After years of trial and error, we finally came up with the best method to employ for the lotto pools that will generate multiple weekly wins and payout better. It will be incorporated with the mobile app and on the Mobile webpage. Each pool will have less numbers to play, have access to the Auto-Predict features/filters and it will be a lot of FUN!
You would see the exact layout you see with the mobile webpage. HOWEVER, the numbers will be BUTTONS. Clicking on a button will allow you to purchase that Pick3 number which will than be locked. Members can then choose other numbers. If your number does NOT win, but another member's number wins, YOU WIN!

There will be 5 Lotto Pools based on the Pairsum colors (Green,Pink,Brown,Gray,Yellow), IF members decide that BROWN is overdue and about to hit, they play only in the BROWN lotto pool and use the Auto-Predict filters to reduce the numbers. That simple.

Winning multiple times a week is going to be so easy. Take a look at the Pairsum calendar, it will clearly tell members what PAIRSUM COLOR is due to hit.

Also, the majority of the wins have a M3C pattern of HIT. In this example it shows only 26 numbers BEFORE the filters are engaged. THUS, this is going to produce HUGE easy wins multiple times per week as the above calendar shows that PS9 tends to hit multiple times per week with single numbers. Someone in the lotto pool will catch the winners. And everyone wins with them.