008 MID
12/25 EVE str8 CLL Even XX no yellow binary 011 012 014 015 017 021 022 024 025 027 041 042 051 052 055 057 071 072 075 077 622 625 627 645 647 652 654 672 674 677 822 825 827 845 847 852 854 872 874 (39)
260 263 265 266 269 460 463 465 466 469 (10)
reduced for $$$ 456,236,256
joez 4 days late 266 236
Eh... 156 . Close... Still in play tho!
620 640 643 820 828 829 840 846 848 849 (10) box
shoulda played my NJ picks for NC smh 118
506 700 706 708 768 788 (6)
Watch for a HLL with a odd as the high 5-7-9 / 0-4 / 0-4
What I got for eve 513 533 703 901 902 903 904 (7)
?? $$ 902 904 $$ ??
489 blah
704 724 744 902 904 922 924 944 mid box
joez late again. 029
blue binary CLL 321 322 921 922 (4)
??$$$ 123, 129 $$$??
Binary 3 out 11 draws!!! EOO
joez 035 039 097 435 439 497 839 (7)
HIT-HIT due Binary3 due Purple DUE 479,238,035,036,134,039,234,079,138,578,178,278 8 2/2 DUE 035,036,134,278 EOO DUE 035, 134
235 smh