And this is why we are still in BETA
Key Predict header sections do refer to the Hit/Miss columns of L1/M3C BUT the Green/Purple colors of Key Predict do NOT. THUS, you could see a PURPLE number in Key Predict BUT it comes out GREEN in the L1/M3C columns. This is because Key Predict is combining the 3 past winners of L1+M3C to create NEW digits/keys that color code the numbers in Key Predict.
We are going to add a small KEY PREDICT column next to the L1/M3C columns that will show you the Green/Purple Key Predict colors. This will help you decide which Key Predict numbers to play.
You get an added benefit to help reduce numbers. For example, often the winner will be a Purple number for both HIT/MISS column and KEY PREDICT. Thus, you would first REDUCE the numbers by the HIT/MISS patterns for only PURPLE numbers. Then you would look at the KEY PREDICT numbers and see which of those PURPLE numbers MATCH the HIT/MISS purple numbers.... We are going to give you a KEY PREDICT button for this we are coding now. All you do is click on HIT/WIN or MISS/WIN then click the KEY PREDICT button for PURPLE. That's all. The program will do the matching for you and display the matching numbers.