I just found out who the attorneys are for a popular online gambling site that offers Lottery bets. The law firm is located in my State and literally a \ blocks away.
THUS, I am going to schedule a meeting with that law firm to discuss legalizing Lottodds for the Lotto Pools. IF all goes well, we will immediately UPGRADE the lotto pools and release them to all members (It will take only 2 weeks to complete the upgrade and testing since the code is already on the site).
There will be FIVE(5) LOTTO POOLS based on the five(5) PAIRSUM colors (PINK, BROWN, GREEN, GRAY, YELLOW). The lotto pools will be insert at the bottom of each MOBILE WEB page. And the NUMBERS of the Mobile webpage will be converted into BUTTONS with NUMBERS. **You won't have to think what Lotto pool you are in, all you do is choose a number and it will be auto-assigned to a specific lotto pool. FOR EXAMPLE, you use the filters to reduce the numbers and you click the number buttons you want to play. The program will then place them into their correct lotto pool. Which means you could be playing in ALL 5 lotto pools.
In other words, you do NOT have to choose a lotto pool. You just use the pages/filters as you do now and when desired, you simply click a number button to join a lotto pool. The program will auto-place your numbers in the correct lotto pool. This is the first of it's kind and took us a while to figure out how to build the best Lotto Pool and we have it now.
The great thing about the AUTO-PREDICT page is that the program will auto-generate the numbers for you and there will be a few of them to play in the Lotto Pool. By joining a Lotto Pool if your number does NOT win but another member's number wins, you win too. This is the power of the Lotto Pool. And because PS8 and PS9 dominate ALL States, all you have to do is play those numbers. Which means in a lotto pool all posted numbers for those PAIRSUMS can be covered for multiple wins per week (There will be NO duplicate number purchases).