PA Midday 11/12...Only 4 Numbers To Play if you Win One Time You Profit!..$$$
6241 6547 5412 1298
paidtoday can you teach PA I’m ready to win thanks.
NH Midday 11/12...Only 4 Numbers To Play if you Win One Time You Profit!..$$$
6247 2417 5248 1562
VA Midday 11/12...Only 4 Numbers To Play if you Win One Time You Profit!..$$$
5769 5629 5916 2596
DC Midday 11/12...Only 4 Numbers To Play if you Win One Time You Profit!..$$$
6251 8972 1795 8542
paidtoday back again
paidtoday Can you give me CT midday today
What happend... we are not posting any numbers anymore this page has died..
Nice... what you playing for illinois. What you thinks about these 0123 7436 3679 2352 7352 1010 1141
Paidtoday hasn't been on here for awhile, I don't know what happened to him
wisegirl this is for today
I got 7352 box yesterday
wisegirl gives me some numbers I lost a lot of money lately
2351 1010 1601 2280 4678 2508 2679 1797 0428 3601 1111
2103,2123,2130,2132,2133,2301,2310,2312 2313,2321,2331,2303,2330,2112,2121,2124,2142,2211,2213,2214,2231,2241 2223,2232,2322
Yeah 2130 combo with fireball finally
Hey how u been...any post for illinois..
mailmanproduction old thread bro.
If you insist on playing Pa then i would suggest playing pick 4 doubles. Out of the last 20 days there have been at least one double per day. Cant beat those odds.
I live in Louisiana and new to this site. I'm seeking advice on strategies to use.