You’re very welcome, let me know how it works for you, Another tip, if you do your three past winners in each box (in the predictions section) and then hit apply then apply again and then it comes up with 200 or more numbers, When starting out, keep it moving, and then go to the next state, Then look at the patterns of winners and see if you can see and solve it , If it doesn’t have a pattern that you can see, move on to the next state. The emails every morning have some sort of pattern (repeat alerts), you may try looking at those they are very helpful. That is One way of doing it, because there are other strategies out there from David’s videos on YouTube and the LOTTODDS members , that could be very effective, see which of those also can work for you, Those YouTube videos are very helpful also, that’s how I learned at my own pace. Remember you don’t have to place any bets, practice being correct !!!