8257, 8275, 0544, 0724, 4161, 2524, 2704, 4251, 2164, 4162, 4261, 2803, 0903, 1093, 2083, 0093.
maple got a hit as box 0193 came out
maple last night evening hit a box 12/03 after 8 days. The # was 2451 I had 4251
1316 1336 3116 3136 1338 3138 3316 3318 1118 1138 1116 1136 1318 3118
8031 8033 8300 8301 8302 8303 8304 9300 9302 9304 6031 6033 6300 6301 6302 6303 6304 9331 9333 9311 8121 8141 9111 7111 6121 6141 6321 6341 6011 8011 5111
Another straight and box hit 4162, 4261 11/30 midday Since we have the mentally of always loosing now its time to win i m not hating just the opposite I have seen people here who actually help and others just hate. We are here to win period. I will post to help people.
How do you reduce the #'s so low?
I don't like to spend too much since i have to buy them from the lottery place but I usually use the filter for high an low also even and odd and also need to study the pattern. Nothing is 100 percent but is working for me now since i used to loose alot. I m working on finding a sure thing once i have that then i will be investing more and will help with my prediction. Also play the numbers for 4 days since the third day was a box hit and the 4 day was a straight and box hit.
Awesome any numbers for tonight
jordany28 already did but here they are 1566 1568 1586 1588 1766 1768 1786 1788 1966 1968 1986 1988 3566 3568 3586 3588 3766 3768 3786 3788 3966 3968 3986 3988
How about these 000,001,002,003,004,005,006,007,008,009,011,033,044,055,066,088
jordany28 this what I’ve seen with high and low pattern for IL. LLL-have doubles that included 00,22,44 and triple like 111. LLH-have consecutive numbers like 139 and pairs of 31,37. LHH-have pairs like 15,35. HHH-have pairs of 75,57,79 and doubles of 88,66. HLL-have the number 3 in every draw.
I got 653 with the fire ball
Seems like I m better at picking P4 but I play Pick 3
Ur pretty good
For how many day u play ur pick4 nimbers
jordany28 I notice that by the fourth day stop playing the numbers. I just noticed something about pick3 and pick 4 that if my hunch is correct I will share but first I have to make sure it works.
Would this work for all states or just IL?
I hit 124 box. Email me. Jordany0428@gmail.com
terrisiri about pick 3 and pick 4 I m still testing since I just noticed that yesterday but I made some predictions and that would prove me if it actually works and when it hits. Some states are different but it will work. Like NJ look at there #s closely and you will see that all there #s are mirror at least 2 of them. IL uses a different method. I m pretty sure other states are the same as NJ.