@david 530#15917 I didn't play. But I'm monitoring things. Today for VA pick 3 when 018 was drawn, the Auto Select Feature didn't have the winner in it 1x Auto Select. But tonight it did for a straight win. I think David didn't add the 4 Chart Patterns because he takes the lowest winning digits out to 3. But 4 is still a low digit, and it has to be added to make this FOOL PROOF/ NO-BRAINER. But going off 854, 2x the winner was there for VA Pick 3. It's all about strategizing now with Wagering/ Investing! And adding that lowest winning digit is beast mode. But he has to add Chart 4 Patterns. I saw every thing else there except 854 for VA Pick 3. And like I said, this was going off 018 to predict 854 for VA Pick 3 day drawing using the Auto Select. I just didn't say anything about it because a lot is going on here on Lottodds. David is an alien extraterrestrial to be dealing with this. Juggernauts, I knew he would come up with making things affordable. He met is more than halfway. They are now making things too easy. This is OUT OF THIS WORLD NOW!!!
He's doing away with the contest on having the most wins. It's now a different ball game. I don't know if David is working with A.i or what??? But this is UNBELIEVABLE!!!