GOOD MORNING <LOM> i got a question I be told on a youtub video that I'm a hater because I spoke up about me being the real winner in the last contest and now I see Im the only one still doing what I do better than anyone on this site with pick 3 or pick 4 and have the most videos actually showing how I USED LOTTODDS to get the winning numbers that I won. So only showing you the amount of money won. So why is there no more contest since the last winner was exposed, I want my chance to win yes I can buy my own but it's the prinicple i did what it take to win but i didn't now there's no more contest of course I would be the one most likely to win but I willing to take on ALL CHANLENGERS IN THE PICK 3 & 4 THAT NO ONE AND I MEAN ONE HERE ON THIS SITE CAN BEAT ME!!!!!!! WHEN YOU READY LET THE CONTEST BEGIN!!
D you have nothing to prove. You are killing it. Who ever is hating on you is obviously because of jealousy. Dont sweat it. As the old saying goes ' living well is the best revenge'
- Edited
I just trying to get everyone pump up to start playing the intelligent way with strategies that work and using LottOdds methodology and all these great features that David has added and I'm so exicted just ready to win win win as a group I want each one of us to win together there's no fun being at the top all by yourself so please everyone practice studying those videos that David and myself have made so that we all can profit and do the things in life that matters to us the most. Amen!
Sometimes a Winning Attitude is seen and felt as Arrogance by others that do not posses that same qualities as you. Also, David B. is right, don't waste your time on haters.
Focus on what you enjoy,
teaching and Winning!!!
gesh not this.......... once again.............
Good lord man...
Your bringing up stuff from 1 or 2 years ago. In the other 90k thread I asked you why don't sound "excited" to win 90k and you bring up and I quote you..
"Well for one I my ego is not inflated so I wanted to keep my feet on solid ground and because don't want <LOM> to feel a certain way last time I make a little joke and you took it the wrong way so that's why I so clam Joezuc beside I've done much more over $150,000 to be exact and maybe I'll share what I've done all in a month July I want to first see if i can duplicate it of at least come close or was it just "Luck"? lol"
First 9 words spoken by you, yourself...this thread right now is a complete contradiction to what you said what, last week. But whatever...
Hating not at all. Just pointing out that your bringing up old things...
Have a good one!
deeluv69 I hear you big noney whatsup ? whats the criteria for a harmless fun challenge
how about for pick 3 no more than 36 singles and the same for doubles and for pick 4 no more than 100 singles and the same for doubles we play 3 states simultaneously and post our predictions an hour b4 each draw just for fun 2 c who would have more wins
deeluv69 i DON'T SEE WHAT YOUR DOING besides taking up space lol get real So you think its LUCK LMAO
YOU want to have a contest me and you only i"LL do two time more wins then what you win in thirty 30 days?
Show proof by video on 5dimes we can started September 1, 2018 until October 1, 2018 ?
Dee can u post picks on here daily for the contest so I can copy and paste them....Just my records
Ok family. Enough of the drama. Lets get to playing and winning