tonyterry Lol you've taken this wayyyyyy out of perspective...WOW🤔🤣🤣🤣
pick3p8n 😁😁😁
tonyterry Just a lil fun for your boy DeeLuv😂😂😂
ALL FUN TO ME... and should be too you as well!!!
tonyterry Na I feel you... Everybody's CUT FROM A DIFFERENT CLOTH!!!
pick3p8n shots fired
jchoward228 BANG BANG🤣🤣🤣
jchoward228 calling all cars calling all cars we have a situation in progress
You guys better play nice....We are working hard over here and we don't need drama distracting us or we cut you off
bmehmet I'll be good REGARDLESS!!!
bmehmet What you mean cut us off...WE GROWN ASS MEN...we can't talk... its all apart of the sport boss 🤣🤣🤣
bmehmet It's all fun boss... nothing to worry about... nothing like a CHALLENGE!!!
pick3p8n aint nothing but a G thing Baby!! u got this...
"Grown ASS Men" act civil and respectful...You told me last time you were not going to start trouble again with other members...Please respect that promise...If your good prove it....Lets see you win $90,000
He thinks he's better than me and I'll be glad to prove him wrong...I NEVER BOAST OR BRAGG... he started this all and I'M GOING TO "FINISH HIM" Mortal Combat voice🤣🤣🤣
bmehmet I already did...I just didn't show ya'll... for what, so people can hate even more!!!
bmehmet These folks don't wanna see your money anymore, they wanna win too!!!
bmehmet I can post my wins all day long... REMEMBER I was the only one posting wins everyday on here... and this is no disrespect to anyone!!!
I just wish i had an ounce of the talent D & D have. Those guys are killing it.
I'll dead it though David... no disrespect from me to anyone if any was taken!!!💯💯💯