imurge Its never a bother to help out a fellow Lottodds member. We are all here to help each other out !!. Ok lets figure out how many numbers you typically play first. If you play pick 3, how many numbers are you betting? Cuz take that $50 and cut it in half. At the very least. It may be less because once you learn all the filters in here you will be using less numbers.
Another thing most people may not know about 5Dimes, The min is 25 cents but you can decide whatever number you want. I only learned this recently. Where it says 25 cent, you can change that yourself and put in any amount 25, 35, 45 cents.
Everyone has their own method. Some people like to play straight, boxed etc. I find you have better odds at winning boxed pick 4 if you want to build up your bankroll. And now that David is killing it with this new 1234 filter, you may be spending 10 bucks to win 93.75. Whereas before it would cost you at least 40 to 50 bucks.
One method I've been winning on is the lowest digits. If you look at any pick 3 box win, it may contain a 0-1-2-3. Take a look at any state and count the amount of lowest winning digits and i bet you hit at least 60%. Here is the youtube video David talks about. Just another option to think about when betting. If you do want to try it, i suggest Mo and La. In the month of July Mo hit 45 out of 62 draws with it. Truly amazing.