I found this app called Jackpocket. It’s a program used to create pools to play the larger jackpot games. You can play in a public pool or create private ones. Which would be perfect for our group. Has anyone ever heard of it ?

richard gebhard
I played pool sometimes I won mega & pool .18c per play. One day I won $500 pick 3 straight 6 months ago.

2 months later

ilewis49 Ok. Now. Not sure if this was mentioned. But this is great. I just downloaded the app. But I'm in Texas and was not allowed!!(WHAT) So I went and Google it and was able to download the app that way! I know we have some TEXAS players on Lottodds!!oh if you first try to download it. And say know to ur location! The app will'locate u:/. So TEXAS PLAYER!! GOOGLE TO save some time!! THANKS TO RICHARD GUY!! LET WIN!$$$

    You have to look for pools or groups at the bottom. It will allow you to pick your own numbers or use a quick pick. It will tell you how many people are in that particular group. Once you choose it, you will get an email telling you that your ticket was purchased at such and such. It will actually show you the picture of the ticket. When you win, you will get another email telling you how much you won.

    richard gebhard i live in arizona they told me will let you know when we launch in arizona and you have to be in the states where they at.

      Unless lottodds do something to let us in through lottodds

        But MegaMillions and Powerball are pretty much in all states, arent they ? So creating our own group shouldnt be that difficult. And i still say we should join those other existing groups. The biggest i saw were over 4500 people. Thats way more than Lottodds can offer.

        They say there working on it soon it's almost 2 months now nothing happened yet

          freddieodesho Well everyone pretty much has the big games. But you bring up a good point, i wonder if those 4000 people are all in my state ( NJ ) Freddie, go to your app and see how many are in the pools. It should start with around 2000 and build up closer to the drawing.

          richard gebhard just text find out you can't join the pool unless jockpocket there in that state, i think this is the best i idea to win when jackpocket join the hall states where mega millions and Powerball R in

            richard gebhard That's interesting, it's the Power of the Collective in action. There's 2 guy(s) that just pooled them 2 & won like $50K using Jackpocket.

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