Anyone else having this problem?
Not RESET button SEND ALERT button
bmehmet hey do you have a email? I have a very important question for you sir. Great job by the way.
I'm still not receiving the Daily Draw Alerts. My email address is correct on the profile page. All of the other settings are correct. Tried to reset 5 times, still nothing. Is there anything else that can be done?
Try hitting the SEND ALERT button Again on the alerts page. Make sure you SAVED your selection.
I am doing that & still no emails are coming through..
Can you reset on your end? Nothing is working on this end.
Still nothing with trying to reset no draw Alerts since 12/06/19..Can I use a secondary email address?
It’s not from our end. The feature is working and sending out the alerts.
Are you using OUTLOOK?
Yes, I am using Outlook.....
That most likely is the problem. Change to a NON outlook email.
Can I change & update email password etc on profile page??
I still haven't received any Draw Alerts since 12/06/19. I am using Microsoft Outlook email with the Chrome Browser. Always used this browser & email address in the past to receive Daily Draw Alerts with no problems until recently.. Anyway my updated email address has been sent to you via with the password. I tried to reset on the profile page, it wouldn't accept it. Hopefully you can reset . Thanks..
We can't setup your own email from here. You only have access. Try using a different browser.
I tried Fire Fox browser, put in email address saved changes, hit send for Draw Alerts & nothing??
Please check you spam folder. we'll take a deeper look from our side
davidfrazier chang your email to gmail or yahoo
I checked my spam folder & all of the other folders still no Draw Alerts since 12/06/19...
Good morning David, I am having the same problem. I was receiving the email alerts too and as of the 6th December i stopped receiving them...Grateful if you can look into this Sir..Thanks
we are having trouble with and other Microsoft email services. Blocking the emails for some reason. working on it
@davidfrazier looks like your email provider is blocking emails from us. We're working with them to resolve that.