I would love to see what you can do with the ODD/EVEN and HIGH/LOW patterns. For example, if we play the lowest winning digit for a BOX game of β1β, we already know one number is going to be β1β. Thus we only have to determine 2 odd/even/high/low number patterns.
I know it can be done by studying the past patterns. For example, in one state the high/low pattern LH would at the MOST hit 5 times back to back before flipping. This lets us know that on the 5th hit, we can eliminate LH. A list for each state needs to be prepared. In the BOX game, there are only 3 HIGH/LOW patterns and 4 ODD/EVEN patterns.
Members can then get email Alerts when a TRINITY number hit and also how many times a high/low/odd/even hit. This will allow the member to choose a state they can remove the most numbers from. For example, play only 3-15 Out of 220 numbers.