i want to retire to, counting on lottodds to help make that happen
Will do to the waiting list for Club #4
how do you join the club? ive been out of the loop
I added you to the waiting list for Club #4. As soon as we get the 9 remaining members needed, your club will join the other 3 lotto clubs in progress.
Hello, please add me to list 4
Hello. Any room left? Can I get added?Thank You.
How do i join a club?
bmehmet Master add me please
Good morning Waiting for updates .Just lets us know About the link to send the money David Am going to be working In my regular job but i’ll keep checking the forum am paypal user i used to use bitcoin in the past but No to friendly for me
I would like to join the waiting list
You are already in Lotto Club #3. Your team is ready to go!
(11) davidmcarthur
Adding you to Club #4 waiting list
kolla Thanks
Count me IN Pls! Add me on the list
bmehmet i just paid through btc. I didn't see where I could put my name and group. But I can email the web receipt.
7 more members needed and your team will be joining Lotto Clubs #1, #2 and #3.
IF you make it before June 15th, you can start the PRACTICE session with the other 3 clubs.
bmehmet whats your email
I paid thru paypal, it did not give me the option anywhere to uncheck paying for goods and services anywhere on the page i was on
The transactions says You'll see "PAYPAL *CHIMNEYLOTT" on your card statement
bmehmet Do you send the the link to send the money i read some already sent the money Or where i can find the link i wanted pay using paypal
Hey David. Add me up to the list Pls. Thanks
Thank you for brining that to my attention. It states chimneyNeck-Lottodds. I have removed ChimneyNeck so there will be no confusion.