Finally I am going to drop my theory of the cash 5 and big games and I’m going to share it with my talented lottodds family and creator,It may be a long road to hoe, but I know we can get it done, this is not anybody else’s system they can’t lay claim to it Only I can, and you’re getting it first here on LOTTODDS with the cash 5 in big games, Such as mega millions and Powerball it can also work. So without further or do, let’s get started.

Let’s look at the whole numbers differently and then we will deal with the positioning.

We have filters for lotta wires and of the lottery numbers we have curve line, in and out, sums etc,
They are applied to numbers in the 3 digit and 4 & 5 digit games, And no different with the big games, but we’re gonna need to do is split the numbers in half, Two digit numbers will be no longer, they will be split.

Example number 23
Will be 2 3 And your next number north of this will be higher than 23 total but split it in order to handicap it

The number south of this number to the left of it will be lower always but split it to handicap them.

Since we are lotter enthusiast we know that the 2 and 3 are low numbers and other facts about 2 and 3 are

2 is effectived with, And is in the family of Out,Line,Even,low,Open

3 is effected with, and is in the family of ,In,Curve,Odd, low,Open

And this is true with any other numbers

Next, I want you to decide what is the highest number you are willing to use, This is where I call my 531 or 135 system and the trapping numbers begin.

For example I’m going to use smaller numbers so that we understand, Let’s just say 15 is my highest number, I will then put 15 in my fifth position and skip the fourth position. And move to the middle position,And I will use 10 for the middle position skip the second position then move to the first position, And I will use 01 for my first position which is my lowest number
It will look like this

        01            10               15

           Trap2           Trap4
             2-9              11-14

The Shell is now complete, So in the second position the only numbers that could come in that position is between 2 and 9

And in position number 4 the only numbers can come in that spot in order is between 11 and 14 no if‘s and‘s or butts, There you have it my secret is out, To be improved upon ,I hope it helps someone and helps us win big money. like I always say, LETS GET IT !! Any questions feel free to ask I understand it’s like the back of my hand.

Gary J

@david 530#49108 In that case 34 is your highest number so maybe you want to go 34 as your highest number and every number to the left of that number will get lower, and 34 will be your highest number in the fifth position the only numbers you should be losing left of 34 should be 33 and under, Leave the fourth position blank for now, then go to the middle and figure out what your middle number will be, that will be your median number, let’s say your middle number is 25, now the distance will close at the end of it, so your only answers to the fourth number will be between 26 and 33, you can do it yourself or you can let a computer generate it it’s up to you, Next you will skip the second position and go to the first position and determine what will be your lowest number, no number will be lower than this number and repeat the same steps as you did for the previous, good luck

manifest333 I will, but if you don’t understand it for now I just read a little bit at a time and manually do it, but your shells should look like the example with your 5th number chosen ,the middle number chosen and the 1st number chosen, Leaving the second position and the fourth position blank so you can get a visual of what are the only possibilities that could fill those positions.
Don’t worry I got you covered, you will understand it sooner rather than later.And with David has already put together with the patterns and line numbers etc of the winners you should be able to recognize And compare Your own pattern, Because certain lines are not winning as opposed to the others that are.I think it’s harder trying to figure out the whole number, When you can divide one number and make it two numbers and handicap it individually and then bring them together at the end, once you do that the, next number will be higher to the right or lower to the left of previous numbers,until complete, For example look at the winning numbers when they show up they are all in order from left to right, or from right to left, they are higher and then go lower to the lowest number. Don’t worry, video will be coming.

garyj Will work with Powerball and mega millions also but you MUST make a decision & determine what your highest number is going to be and then move to the middle the 1st
This is why I called the 5-3-1 system
As we get better with it you can use more than one highest number in a downward direction, but that’s the only Rowe that you could do that with everything else must stay the same ,Choose column to use multiple guesses in either Lyons one or five, but not both ,I just want to make sure you guys understand it first.

Example for Mega Millions 5th Numbers


Center and 1st Numbers stay the same
19 33 70

19 33 65

19 33 55

19 33 54

19 33 53

You must believe in your numbers for it to be effective.

garyj The fact that the lottery random is a good thing, Let it be random,because we all pretty much have computers, and between our skill and the computer,those missing spaces can be filled in quickly & accurately!! This is just the basics, just wait until we start adding filters to them like again and outs curve line, Line widths,Distances between numbers etc, it’s all right there for us.Together we can knock this out of the park. I know how David thinks as well, just wait till he gets a hold of this, LOL, When he gets back in from riding around in his Ferrari 👍🏾

If we can put three numbers together at a time and produce winners, we can darn sure put two numbers together.

garyj The numbers were supposed to be spread further apart, it looked good when I was drawing it up, I don’t know what happened. Smh

garyj another thing when playing these bigger games ,well pretty much any game, there are certain numbers that are allergic to each other as they are mortal enemies, the same pertain to Compatible numbers, some are friends but there are certain numbers that don’t hang out with each other ,which gives the need for a compatibility chart for instance if you’re going to use certain numbers you shouldn’t use other numbers when completing your sets.

    garyj I had a typo in The opening post, my apologies, I was speaking into my phone, CORRECTION,not lotta wires It was supposed to say lotteries

      garyj remember double digits are not double digits anymore until the end, Remember 43 etc. is no longer 43 it’s 4 Space 3

      Looks better/easier now ,right?
      4 spike 3 trough
      And whatever other separators/filter to help,
      As I’m sitting in my laboratory right now, Trying to write these hit song/number lyrics 🎶 🎼 🎵

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