Paying all these taxes will soon be past tense unless yall are clueless to what NESARA GESARA ACT is and what TRUMP is doing,,,,,,,,,,,,I suggest you go read cuz the federal reserve, Central banks, IRS illegal non constitutional wicked butts and their FIAT currency is being brought down ...We are going back to the GOLD STANDARD and all this sex and child trafficking, FAKE MEDIA, along with government corruption is being destroyed as well.....TRUMP 2020!! Pay no attention to BIDEN and KAMALA etc cuz those are clones and Obama(BARRY his real name) and these celebrities all got indictments as well............Get you some gold, silver, platinum cuz the RAINBOW CURRENCY backed by gold is coming!!!!!! Get out of the MATRIX.....Soon you won't be robbed anymore and debt enslaved by the corrupt DEEP STATE. NESARA GESARA ACT.......Just info