• Pick4
  • or pick4 study team update

The team will be set up sometime this week coming up, My apologies for the delay to all who emailed and are interested im still with you. The idea of this group will be to assemble members and utilize their strongest abilities in the numbers and combine them to make a superpower team. almost like in comics with superheroes, no one has the same power but they team up....and make a strong unit. versus trying to figure out how to beat the bad guy with a power you dont have. so this team will be different from all that i have seen done cause it will truly be about a TEAM and that good ol fun and abundant energy thats CONSISTENT and everyone wins with no bullcrap arguing disagreement. thats highschool , if you on that level stay where you are, you need to grow more. its about love and being a team to achieve the same goal. leave all egos at the door. they wont be tolerated. thanks again everyone. we will be talking soon

ok i think we will start with the 6 that commented. give me time to connect with you all.

    5 days later

    if it not to late add me


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